General Technical

New feature: instant database dumps

One of the features that both users and the staff alike have been wanting for a while has been instant database dumps. Now we’re thrilled to announce you that such a feature is finally available!

Where do I find this feature?

The instant database dump generation feature is available on the statistics page, Special:Statistics, of each wiki. However, due to the high abuse potential of this feature, we have implemented certain restrictions.

Only stewards may generate a database dump. In addition to that, only one database dump process may run at a time. So, if someone is running a database dump for a different wiki, you will need to wait for that process to complete before you can run yours. Finally, a dump may be generated only once a week.

The good thing is that the process is instant: once the dump process finishes, the dump will be available for download from our database dumps site! There will also be a link to the newest database dump on the wiki’s Special:Statistics page.

Technical details

The extension was written by Jack Phoenix, based on code written by Krzysztof Krzyżaniak.

The generated database dump is an SQL file, which has been compressed with gzip to save some space. The dump contains the following core MediaWiki tables and their data:

In addition to these core tables, certain extension tables will also be dumped if the relevant extensions are installed:

Bugs reports & feature requests

Bug reports and feature requests can be made on our Bugzilla. Pick “MediaWiki extensions” as the product and “DumpsOnDemand” as the component.

On behalf of the ShoutWiki staff,
Jack Phoenix
Head of the Customer Support Team

Update on 17 June 2012: We’ve changed the format of the database dumps from SQL to XML due to popular demand. Please let us know if you encounter any issues with this.

Customer Support General

ShoutWiki is now back up!

Hi all,

ShoutWiki has been in read-only mode for months and many people had ruled us out. There were many rumors going around that we had given up and that ShoutWiki was no more. We can now finally tell you that is not the case! ShoutWiki is back up and running again.

CreateWiki, our wiki creation tool, is now working again and you can now create wikis. CreateWiki has been updated to include the Monaco skin which has now been made into a normal skin and is no longer a premium feature. This means that anyone can set Monaco as your default skin!

Wiki imports will be made as soon as we can if your wiki hasn’t been imported yet. For more information, please read the blog post about wiki reimports. If your wiki has already been imported, you can get back to editing straight away.

If you notice any bugs with ShoutWiki, no matter how minor, or have any improvements for ShoutWiki, feel free to report these on BugZilla, our bug reporting website.

If you have any questions about ShoutWiki, please don’t hesitate to contact us! To do that, you can leave a comment in the comment section of this blog post, post a message on our forum, or e-mail us.

Thank you for your patience during the last few months.
– Solar Dragon
ShoutWiki Customer Support Team

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