General Technical

Easier programmatical access to ShoutWiki wikis’ meta-data

Have you ever wondered just how many wikis ShoutWiki hosts? I bet you have, and so have we at the staff team at times. Finding that out has been easy, thanks to the {{NUMBEROFWIKIS}} magic word. But what if you have wanted to know how many of those wikis are French, for example? Or how many were created between March and April 2010?

In the past, finding out such info has been tedious and it has required the user to spend countless hours browsing ShoutWiki Hub, our main site, which contains description pages about all public (and school) wikis that we host.

Today brings a change to that with the introduction of the ShoutWiki API extension, which adds a new API module that allows fetching all kinds of information about our wikis. To find out which of our wikis are written in the French language (language code fr), query the action=listwikis module with swlang=fr parameter, like this:

Language isn’t the only information the API module exposes; other info, such as the founder-supplied description, the wiki’s sitename ($wgSitename), creation timestamp and a lot more are available! Take a look at the help documentation that accessing api.php without any parameters produces.

We do, however, ask you to read the page about API etiquette before querying the API; basically, be considerate and don’t try to take the site down and you’ll be fine.

Please let us know your thoughts on this new API interface in the comments section!

On behalf of the ShoutWiki staff,

Jack Phoenix
Head of the Customer Support Team

Customer Support General

Logo Creation Wiki

Content alone doesn’t make a wiki stand out. It needs to look good as well. Wikis can have logos, favicons and custom skins to give them a unique feel.

If you lack the skills to make logos, favicons and custom skins, or just want someone to do it for you, you can ask at Logo Creation Wiki, which is ShoutWiki’s request wiki for logos, favicons and skins.

All you have to do is fill out a request, detailing exactly what you want, and another user will try and match your description. This service is naturally completely free of charge!

Also, anyone can take requests so if you are creative with graphics, or know CSS, you can also feel free to help out with requests. The more the merrier!

As well as logos, favicons and skins, Logo Creation Wiki also offers custom signature creation if you are not a seasoned editor who knows offhand what all those funny-looking braces in a template mean.

– Solar Dragon
ShoutWiki Customer Support Team

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