General Technical

Wiki Reimports

This is a copy of an email I sent out to all users that our database listed as people that had used Special:CreateWiki to found a wiki.

Dear ShoutWiki user,

I am writing to you because our database tells us that you have at some point in the past, created a wiki on through the CreateWiki interface. As some of you may be aware, there have been a number of human created issues involving the ShoutWiki site over the period of the last few years. Firstly, I wish to apologize for those issues caused by my predecessors.

Secondly, as you may know, we’re in the process of getting the site back online. Currently there are around 20 databases on the server, instead of the 500 which the master database believes we have. According to my latest predecessor, we have a backup of all contents of the previous server, wail. The point of this e-mail is simple, I would like to know how many of you have wikis, and which of those that you would like to imported to the new server. I will warn you first however, that these contents may be out of date, there are contents of 300-odd wikis at that I can attempt to reimport if its significantly newer than the database import.

I also apologise for any of you recieving this e-mail multiple times, as this is taken directly from the CreateWiki creation log database, and I am rushing to get this important e-mail to you. We will be working on fine tuning these “mailing lists” in future, including removing anyone that requested a wiki to be deleted, as you may still be getting this e-mail currently.

Thank you for your support,
— Lewis Cawte
Chief Technical Officer, ShoutWiki

There is no time limit on these imports, however we are building a list, and these will be done in order of response and we cannot guarantee any imports will be complete, up to date or the quality of the import, however we will try our hardest to reduce repeated edits, stress and broken wikis again, as that’s the last thing we believe our users deserve.

Customer Support General Press Technical

Beta is here!

Hey all! The main page of our site is now open for viewing, check it out on now.

We’re in a limited beta phase right now, meaning that a selected group of users have access to the site for testing purposes. These beta-testers will ensure that everything works properly before we open up the whole site for everyone.

We hope to launch the site in summer 2009 for the rest of the world.

If you would like us to host your wiki or you have some questions about the service, give us a shout at

I hope to see you on the wiki!

Beta Main Page
Beta Main Page
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