General Technical

Update on the System Recovery


I realize that for many of you this has been a long and troublesome process, and I can thankfully say that ShoutWiki will soon be back up and fully functional.  Currently, I’m working on recovering all the databases; it’s a slow process, but so far all the databases that have been recovered (there are around 700 in all) are completely intact which means that you did not lose any pages, etc. from this crash.

After all the databases are recovered, we will need to basically reinstall the server, and once that is completed ShoutWiki will back in action.

Thank you all for your patience during this time, and I hope that you continue to choose ShoutWiki!


ShoutWiki Technical Team

UPDATE 1 (31 March 2011, 3:14am UTC): Current status is 125 done, 521 to go. Will continue to update as this progresses.

UPDATE 2 (31 March 2011, 3:52am UTC): Current status is 274 done, 372 to go.

UPDATE 3 (2 April 2011, 6:55pm UTC): There were about 10 wikis that didn’t recover properly, so I’m working on a way to recover them. Once this is done, everything else should go relatively quickly.

UPDATE 4 (4 April 2011, 11:56pm UTC): Clarification on the above: When I said they did not recover properly, this does NOT mean that they can’t be recovered. The issue lies with some stuff wrong with the backend behind the dbs, so certain large wikis with lots of revisions and log entries took too long to dump in one go before MySQL crashed. What I’ll be doing for these 6 wikis (got 4 of them to work normally since the last update) is dumping them table-by-table, so your stuff will not be lost. As for an update on how other stuff is going, we are now waiting for the Head Tech to reinstall the Operating System on the server so that we may begin restoring our backups. Due to the nature of the backup restoring process, wikis will become available as the backups get restored, so check back in a day or three to see if your wiki is up.

UPDATE 5 (9 April 2011): OS is going to be reinstalled sometime later today, and provided all goes well, so will the wiki restorations. Wikis will be restored in alphabetical order and will become available as they get restored (meaning some will be up before others). I’ll post another update when the restorations actually start.

UPDATE 6 (16 April 2011): The tech team has taken backups of databases and important configuration files. The CTO estimates that we might get started on the recovery as soon as this weekend, but it might take a major part of the next week. We’ll keep you posted on this. –Jack Phoenix

UPDATE 7 (19 April 2011): The operating system has now been reinstalled and the backup files are being copied to the server currently. Recovery will begin later today. –Jack Phoenix

UPDATE 8 (19 April 2011): Data recovery proper has begun. During this process the site may display various error messages. –Misza

UPDATE 9 (19 April 2011): The wiki restoration process has begun. Wikis should become available as they get restored. They are going in random order, so we cannot give any ETAs on specific wikis. Please note that just because your wiki is back, it does NOT mean that all the restores are done. As such, if issues arise, please alert a staff member on IRC so that we can look into it. We are also considering rolling out the 1.16 upgrade after the wikis get restored, so you may see some downtime there as well. –Skizzerz

UPDATE 10 (21 April 2011): We have restored the vast majority of the wikis, as people were quick to find out, we ran into a LOT of issues trying to restore Autopedia and Simpsons Fanon. We’re going to continue working on ways to restore these two wikis, but in the meantime, we will be pushing out the 1.16 upgrade to the rest of the wikis. After the upgrade finishes, editing will be re-enabled. –Skizzerz

UPDATE 11 (27 April 2011): We’re working on both issues, the MediaWiki upgrade and restoration of Autopedia and Simpsons Fanon databases, but it turns out that MediaWiki’s default upgrade script is not suitable for our purposes as-is, which means that we have to write our own upgrade script. This is something that we want to do right, without rushing, in order not to mess up anything, which is why it might take a bit longer then expected. Once the techs have finished writing the upgrade script, the actual upgrade process should be relatively quick, after which the database will be unlocked and you can resume editing. We’ll keep you posted on this. –Jack Phoenix

UPDATE 12 (1 May 2011): The update process has begun. In the meantime, a “ShoutWiki is currently undergoing maintenance” page will show until updates are complete. Once complete, editing will be re-enabled. ETA is about two hours from now, provided no issues are found. –Skizzerz

UPDATE 13 (1 May 2011): Updates are complete and editing has been re-enabled. If you run into issues, please let someone know on IRC and open a bug in our bugzilla: — At some point in time we’ll be re-updating to the newest 1.16 version, but this will not cause any downtime and should be for the most part invisible to you guys.

By Skizzerz

ShoutWiki staff member

387 replies on “Update on the System Recovery”

Please give us an update soon! If it’s two weeks since the last update… well I don’t know what to think or say.

Oh come on all, Escyos reaction is to be expected. I could have predicted it when the crash happened that some people would threaten to leave vocally and others would have defended shoutwiki, and criticized those who threatened to leave.

Haven’t any of you seen anything like this before? This is internet community sociology 101.

I think after this amount of time, people deserve to be a little angry.

@Bad Wolf

Firstly, Did I say that everyone should have the same one-shot policy as me? No I did not, I follow that policy and could care less whether anyone else does.

Secondly, I can complain as much as I want to, what are you going to do about it?

If a driver crashed into a power pole and knocked out the power would you still defend the power company if you were wihtout power for over a month? No you wouldn’t, you would complain and change power companies.


Thanks for that. I also predicted that and also predicted that a bunch of idiots would go against me when chances are:
a) they will leave anyway because Shoutwiki will take even longer to fix this, or
b) This will happen again in the future and people will still be ignorant about it.

How can you be so sure they were recovered at all? I wouldn’t stake my life on it. It’s impossible to actually work on restoration for this amount of time. The problem is elsewhere. I’m still unsure what’s going on here but it’s far too ridiculous than I would ever imagine. And it won’t end up good (I’d be happy if the time proves me wrong).

I am just a bit sad because I thought that ShoutWiki had the ability to be better than Wikia. No other host I have seen have seemed like that to me. Now, ShoutWiki is basically ruined. No one will want to go to ShoutWiki after this and the people who heard about ShoutWiki and how good it is during the down time would have searched for it to find a broken website.

Wikis will be moving away quickly as soon as it is up and many will request to be deleted as they move away. This is a serious blow to ShoutWiki’s chances of being better than Wikia.

Now, I will defend ShoutWiki and it’s staff from any one who wants to blame then. If the server staff hadn’t “fixed” the problems with ShoutWiki, this wouldn’t have happened. Sure, I’m as annoyed as the next person that it is taking this long. However, I am not going to start counting the days away and complaining. Skizzerz says he is doing his best so I will accept that.

@Everyone who is complaining about the staff, have you tried running a wiki host? It must be quite hard to do you know.

Is having

“It works!
This is the default web page for this server.
The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.”

come up when I type in and a good sign. It saw looks like it.

I am now getting this message.

It works!

This is the default web page for this server.

The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.

Hopefully this means that everything is up, and the databases can be restored. I really hope that is what this means.

I’ve been keeping myself quiet here but I’m really happy to hear the great news! All of our affiliates have their wikis back up as well as one of the two I run! Just awaiting for Hetalia Archives to come back and I’ll be screaming in joy. 😀

@ Silver Knight
It won’t matter when it is up, untill they are all up the wikis can’t be edited.

YAY! Hetalia Archives is back! We’re still missing our front page and side-bar but just the fact we can view our pages just makes me smile like a 5 year old kid. Thank you to everyone who was involved in this!

I’m sure more then just Autopedia are down – Simpsons Fanon is. I guess there are also loads of old and abandoned wiki’s down too.

When is editing going to resume? When I try to edit a page, it says “Warning: The database has been locked for maintenance, so you will not be able to save your edits right now. You may wish to cut-n-paste the text into a text file and save it for later. The administrator who locked it offered this explanation: ShoutWiki is currently undergoing data recovery. Wiki editing is disabled. More details available on official ShoutWiki blog,” and I’ve got 6 pages ready to be saved. We’ll just have to wait for the other wikis to be get back up, and then hopefully the editing will begin again.

I’ve been waiting for the editing to resume since this morning. It’s currently 9:10pm now, and I’m still waiting.

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